Awards + Publicity


CBS4 “Endangered Places”

Enjoy this short video.


“Saving Places” Award

from Colorado Preservation, Inc. at their annual conference in February 2023. 


2022 Pitkin County Cares

Volunteer Service Award

The recipients of the 2022 Pitkin County Cares Volunteer Service Awards were honored by the Pitkin County Commissioners during a televised work session on Tuesday, September 13, 2022. 

A record 21 outstanding Roaring Fork Valley residents were chosen from nominations received from a cross-section of community organizations and nonprofits throughout the summer.

Now in its 22nd year, the purpose of the program is to honor individuals and groups for their outstanding service, leadership, and civic involvement.


Aspen Daily News

February 10, 2023
by Scott Condon


Aspen Times

May 1, 2022
by Scott Condon