Our Timeline

Our Milestones


Colorado Preservation, Inc. held its 26th annual gathering in Boulder and honored the Koch Homestead/Adelaide Ranch in the Hunter Creek Valley just outside of Aspen as 1 of the “5 Most Endangered Places in Colorado.”

HCHF performs on-site emergency stabilization of the Shop as authorized by WRNF Cultural Heritage Manager Thomas Fuller with pre-measured and drilled beams and cables hauled to site.


HCHF invites team of preservation specialists from HistoriCorps of Colorado to meet on site with Aspen-Sopris Deputy District Ranger Jennifer Schuller and Cultural Heritage Manager Thomas Fuller to view, analyze, measure and photograph each structure targeted for stabilization.  This formed the basis for the comprehensive "Conditions Assessment" included in HistoriCorps' detailed 48-page set of recommendations delivered on December 15, 2021.


HistoriCorps completes Phase 1 stabilization and preservation of the Shop


HCHF incorporates as a Colorado nonprofit with the mission to preserve the historic structures and important cultural history of the Hunter Creek Valley.


White River National Forest Supervisor Scott Fitzwilliams approves and signs the formal Partnership Agreement with HCHF describing the goals and responsibilities of the Foundation


WRNF District Ranger Kevin Warner approves categorical exclusion of Project under NEPA and issues approval of project with specific mandatory duties and responsibilities of HistoriCorps during Phase 1 work.



Completion of water mitigation work with picture of regraded work around shop.